Underwater Exploration in the Caribbean
This video is awesome!
See how the Center for Marine and Environmental Studies from the University of Virgin Islands and the Coral Reef Conservational Program from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) explores the bathymetry of the Caribbean sea and links this to fish spawning aggregations. Credits for this video is given entirely to: Jeremiah Blondeau.
Este vídeo es impresionante!
Vea cómo el Centro de Estudios Marinos y Ambientales de la Universidad de las Islas Vírgenes y el Programa de Conservación de los Arrecifes de Coral del Programa de la NOAA explora la batimetría del mar Caribe y vincula este con agregaciones de desove para los peces. Créditos para este video se le da enteramente a: Jeremías Blondeau.
Underwater Exploration in the US Caribbean from Jeremiah Blondeau on Vimeo.
3D fly-through of high resolution bathymetry in the US Caribbean…with bonus fish spawning aggregation footage
*movie is a little jumpy in spots…still working out upload and compression setting kinks